One of my favorite things about being here is living with the UCU students in Honors College. There are four small dorms, two guy's and two girl's, with about 60 total students, of which 22 are American students. Some of the highlights are:
*"Going rolling": About once a week, around 10 pm, groups of students will "go rolling" which means we all walk off campus, across the street, to roadside stands where we buy rolexes. A rolex is made up of an omelette of eggs, cabbage and tomato wrapped in chapati which is like a tortilla but thicker and more delicious. It's a good snack and it costs about 50 cents and hanging out, talking, waiting for them to be cooked is a good way to kill about an hour.
*Honors parties: During our first week of classes we had an awesome dinner with HC students with a two hour dance party afterward. Then, last weekend we went to kingfisher resort, which is at the source of the Nile, on Lake Victoria, and spent a weekend just playing games, swimming in the pool and eating delicious food. We gave swimming lessons to some of our Ugandan friends, took a boat ride aound the Nile and had a dance competition.
*Family Members: At our first honors college dinner, I was adopted into a "family" of 2nd year students that they formed last year. My UCU family is Joel, the father, Erisa, Ambrose and Patrick, the brothers, and Florence, Ruth and Agrace, the sisters.
*Meeting future Presidents: UCU honors students, by being wealthy in their context and well-educated and in the highest class of those educated, are destined to be some of the leaders in various sectors of their countries. Some of them have really high ambitions, including President! Two of the guys that I am closest to, Josiah Olal and Eddie Oketcho have dreams of being Presidents of Kenya and Uganda, their respective nations. One day as my friend Angela and I were talking to them we began joking with them about all that comes with being President, especially paparazzi and official greetings and ceremonies. All of the sudden, Angela and I got roped into acting out the parts of their first ladies as they pretended to meet as Presidents. I got to be the First Lady of Uganda and Angela had to...I mean got the First Lady of Kenya. Two weeks later, it is a well-known joke around all of honors college and whenever we hang out with Eddie and Josiah, they insist on referring to us as their first ladies.
That's all I've got for now...thanks for reading!
-The future first lady of Uganda :)