This is me and a child at one of the villages we visited in Rwanda. His mother works in a women's development center that is made up of women who lost their husband or father in the genocide and are supporting themselves.

This is the rope swing at Bushara Island, where we spent two days on our way back from Rwanda. This is not me on the swing, but I did go on it!!

This is the amazing view from Bushara Island, which is right in the middle of Lake Bunyoni in southern Uganda. It was the most beautiful place I have ever been!!

This is me, Jessica and Rebecca in Rwanda. Jessica is one of my closest friends here and Rebecca is like our big sister! She is a USP intern so she is basically like our RA and we have had lots of good talks with her...she gives good advice!

This is Hope Village, an orphans village in Rwanda. There are about 40 orphans who live here, all teenagers, who lost their parents in the Genocide. They live in their own homes and their is only one parents, a social worker, in the whole village. Those teens and young adults that we met were so hopeful and happy, and it was a blessing to see what God has done in their lives.
Amazing! Thanks for posting pictures! Still praying.