Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Finally here!

I have just spend my first full day in Uganda!

We arrived at UCU late last night, got to our dorm rooms and went to sleep almost right away.

Today, we spent the day adjusting to UCU, sleeping off our jet lag, and having some orientation time. The best part of the day was hiking "Monkey Hill", where people go to camp out, pray without disturbing others and observe monkeys and amazing views. The sad part of the day was discovering that very few toilets here have toilet paper or a toilet seat. Of the two toilets in our dorm, one is a "sitter" and one is a "squatter" :( Oh well! The food has been good, lots of starches and cooked fruit, like mashed bananas.

I am really looking forward to Saturday when we will leave at five am for our fifteen hour bus ride to Rwanda. We are going to spend a week there just traveling and learning about genocide firsthand. I am anticipating a beautiful landscape and a disturbing educational experience.

Thank you for your love and prayers! I don't miss America but I do miss the people that I love! The solution to that problem is for you all to come here!!! :)



  1. I miss you little sister. I'm jealous that you get to go overseas. I bet it's gonna be an awesome experience.

  2. Wow, so glad you made it safely, Mommy! Praying for you as you journey and learn.

  3. Hey girl! Praying for you!! I know you will learn and grow SO much!
