I am currently a little over three months away from traveling to Mukono, Uganda for four months! As I’ve been preparing to go I have had the opportunity to see pictures from former Uganda Studies Program student so I thought I would share them with you and try to answer some questions that I have been asked:
Question #1: What will you be doing?
I am going to be taking three classes at Uganda Chrisitian University; Faith and Action in the Ugandan Context, African Literature and Islam/African Tribal Religions. I will also spend two days a week doing my social work internship. I'm not sure where that will be yet but I am hoping it will be at a local orphanage. Besides school, I will be spending time in the local community and traveling around Uganda and probably to Rwanda.
Question #2: Where will you be living?
I will be living on campus at UCU with other American students. Here's some pictures of campus...it's so beautiful:

I will also be living in a local village for two weeks to spend time with a Christian family.
Question #3: What are the people like?
I don't know that much about this yet. I know that the people I meet will range from the very respected and educated professors and students at the university to tribal men like this:
Question #4: Is it like a desert??
Question #5: Will you bring me back a Ugandan child??
(Mrs. Green, Kiersten, Sarah Nidermayer!)
I am going to have to say that no, I will not transport children from Uganda to America for you, but...I will try to talk you in to going over yourself and adoptiong one!
So, thats most of what I know for now...but if you have more questions, ask me!
I am so excited to go and overwhelmed with what is coming so I would really appreciate all your prayers!
Love, Faith